Just a couple of words to talk about the work I’ve done to get a11y-dialog v3.0.0 out of the door, and so you can safely upgrade to the newest and shiniest!

All in all, it’s quite a big version as the script has been almost entirely rewritten. There are not much rationale behind it except that it seemed like a good time to dust everything.

Still, quite a few things changed for you, hence the major release. Let’s have a little tour.

Main element no longer assumed (breaking)

In version 2.*, the main element was assumed to have a main id. Not only was this highly arbitrary, but it also did not play quite well with CMS like Drupal or Wordpress. There was a long discussion about it.

From version 3, all siblings of the dialog element will be toggled (understand via the aria-hidden attribute). Since the documentation has always recommended having the main content container and the dialog element side by side, it should not be a big deal for most projects.

If toggling siblings does not work for any reason, it is possible to pass an Element, a NodeList or a selector as second argument. This will define which elements should be toggled on and off when the dialog is being hidden or shown. For instance:

const el = document.querySelector('#dialog')
const dialog = new A11yDialog(el, 'body > *:not(#dialog)')

This should hopefully make CMS integrations easier.

To maintain the exact same behaviour as before, you can do:

const el = document.querySelector('#your-dialog')
const dialog = new A11yDialog(el, '#main')

New .create() method

In version 2.5.0 was added the .destroy() method, which essentially removed all bound listeners from dialog openers and closers (as per #52). From there, the dialog was still sort of usable, but only programmatically through the JS API.

From version 3, there is now a .create() method in order to pair nicely with .destroy(). It is called automatically from the constructor when instantiating a dialog so nothing should change for the most part.

This method is essentially meant to provide a counterpart to the .destroy() method. It binds click listeners to dialog openers and closers. It can be particularly useful when adding openers and closers dynamically to the page as the .create() re-performs a DOM query to fetch them.

// Remove click event listeners from all dialog openers and closers, and removes
// all custom event listeners from dialog events

// Add back event listeners to all dialog openers and closers

Note that it is also possible to pass the targets containers (the ones which are toggled along with the dialog element) to the .create() method if they ever happen to change (unlikely). Otherwise, the one given on dialog instantiation will remain.

Events no longer DOM based (breaking)

In version 2.*, the dialog element itself was firing DOM events when shown or hidden. To be honest, I have no idea why I went down the DOM events route before as this is a nightmare of compatibility.

// Version 2.*
.addEventListener('show', function() {
// Do something
.addEventListener('hide', function() {
// Do something

From version 3, it is now possible to register event listeners on the dialog instance itself with the .on(type, handler) method. It is obviously possible to unregister event listeners with the .off(type, handler) method.

// Version 3
.on('show', function() {
// Do something
.on('hide', function() {
// Do something

Note that the .destroy() and .create() instance also emit events.

dialog.on('destroy', removeDialogNode)
// …
dialog.off('destroy', removeDialogNode)

New events callback signature (breaking)

In version 2.*, custom (DOM) events used to pass an object to the registered callbacks. It had a target key containing the dialog element, and when triggered from a user action (such as click), a detail key containing the trigger element.

// Version 2.*
dialogEl.addEventListener('show', function(event) {
// event.target = dialog element
// event.detail = trigger element

From version 3, events pass two separate arguments to the registered listeners: the dialog element, and the trigger element (if any).

// Version 3
dialog.on('show', function(dialogEl, triggerEl) {
// …

Lack of initial aria-hidden="true" now safe (possibly breaking)

In version 2.*, omitting the aria-hidden="true" attribute on the dialog element could cause weird issues where the .shown property would be correctly synced with the attribute, but the rest of the lib could be buggy on the first show/hide.

From version 3, the aria-hidden attribute will be set to true when instantiating the dialog, and the .shown attribute to false. When wanting to have a dialog open by default (please don’t), simply run .show() directly after instantiation.

Method chaining now possible

This is nice little addition allowing you to chain all method calls.

dialog.on('show', doSomething).show()

Wrapping things up

As stated before, this version also comes with brand new code that I took time to heavily comment, as well as a brand new test suite (that should hopefully be much more thorough).

That’s it, and that’s already quite a lot if you want my opinion! I’d be glad to have some feedback about this if you happen to use a11y-dialog. Also, if you find any bug, please kindly report them on GitHub.

Thanks to Mike Smart and Loïc Giraudel for their insightful help.