Hey y’all! This is the time of the year again. And what a year, my friends. What a crappy petty miserable one of a year. I can’t tell for you, but those last 6 months have been just a permanent stream of bad news.

But let’s try to focus on the bright side, shall we? Last year, I did a little recap’ of the things I did that are worth mentioning. With emojis. Because everything is better with emojis. Here we go again!

February 11th. I released a11y-dialog, a lightweight and flexible accessible dialog script without any dependency. To this day, it remains one of my best open source projects in terms of usefulness. Also was the project which drove me onto the accessility path.

📝 March 1st. I finally published version 1.3 of Sass Guidelines, six months to the day after the previous version. Version 1.4 is likely to be published some time after Sass 4 sees the light. Since then, many contributors have helped making Sass Guidelines what they are today, a huge set of guidelines translated in 12 languages.

March 7th. Not even a month after a11y-dialog, I released a11y-toggle, a small script for content toggles. Slightly less popular than the first one, but still worth it!

📘 April 4th. I released Jump Start Sass, my second book (in English this time). I had the luck to co-author it with Miriam Suzanne and am super happy with the result. I believe it’s a short yet insightful piece to learn how to use Sass efficiently.

🏆 May 13th. Google made me a Google Expert in frontend development after a few weeks of going through the process. It’s quite an honor being amongst such brilliant minds!

🎤 May 20th. I gave a talk named “Local styling with CSS Modules” in Thessaloniki (Greece) at DevIt conference. What an amazing conference it was my friends, can’t wait to get back there next year!

📦 May 29th. I silently shipped a small contribution to open source with Jekyll Boilerplate, an improved fork of the initial Jekyll project to get started more quickly. If you work with Jekyll quite a bit, be sure to have a look!

😰 Summer. I started feeling overwhelmed with my work in the web industry. I went through (and still kind of am in) a phase where I didn’t want to write technical articles anymore. Where I didn’t want to spend so much time doing open source. Where I just wanted to do something else.

💶 September 1st. After a year and a half at Edenspiekermann, I decided to leave the agency world for a while to join the kind folks at N26 in order to push the mobile banking forward.

🎤 September 15th. I gave my talk about CSS Modules again in Bologna (Italy) at From The Front this time. Lovely conference once again. Too bad it was the last edition.

🇧🇪 October 1st. I’ve been back in Brussels (Belgium) for a weekend. All the beers!

🇩🇪 December 8th. I left Berlin for another German city for the first time since i moved here last year. I visited Munich for a couple of days. What a lovely city!

Last thing I didn’t mention—because that spreaded from March until now—is that I have been coding some Node.js with my mom on a personal project of hers. She had an initial PHP version last year which I rewrote entirely in Node.js to make it more flexible and structured. She took over it and maintains it (mostly) by herself since then. HOW FUCKING COOL IS THAT?

Anyway, that’s still a few things for this year, but that’s without counting all the downs and hard times. All in all, 2016 was pretty crappy. Let’s hope 2017 gets better.

Read previous post: Introducing a11y-dialog v3

Read next post: CSS hide-and-seek